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Center for Microscopy and Image Analysis

Selected literature for imaging, microscopy and sample preparation


Fundamentals of Light Microscopy and Electronic Imaging, Second Edition

Author(s): Douglas B. Murphy, Michael W. Davidson

Fundamentals of Light Microscopy and Electronic Imaging, Second Edition provides a coherent introduction to the principles and applications of the integrated optical microscope system, covering both theoretical and practical considerations. It expands and updates discussions of multi-spectral imaging, intensified digital cameras, signal colocalization, and uses of objectives, and offers guidance in the selection of microscopes and electronic cameras, as well as appropriate auxiliary optical systems and fluorescent tags.

Image processing

 Author: John C . Russ

Image Processing Handbook examines the rapid, powerful developments in graphic information, covering the array of concepts and techniques in high-end imaging software. With balanced, complete descriptions, the text outlines frequency space methods with extensive mathematical presentation and spatial domain processing; compares different algorithms; and requires only a modest technical background in mathematics or computers.

Microscopic morphology

Ultrastructure Atlas of Human Tissues

Ultrastructure Atlas of Human Tissues presents a variety of scanning and transmission electron microscope images of the major systems of the human body. Photography with the electron microscope records views of the intricate substructures and microdesigns of objects and tissues, and reveals details within them inaccessible to the naked eye or light microscope. Many of these views have significance in understanding normal structure and function, as well as disease processes. This book offers a unique and comprehensive look at the structure and function of tissues at the subcellular and molecular level, an important perspective in understanding and combating diseases.

• Presents the major systems of the human body through scanning and transmission electron microscope images

• Has images prepared almost exclusively from human tissues

• Includes electron micrographs of common pathologies such as fibrotic and emphysemic lung, kidney stones, sickle cell anemia, and skin parasites